Monday, February 8, 2010

hung out to dry

Kindergarten produces massive amounts of paper. Mira comes home with a new stack every day. We get to see the letter sounds and sight words of the day, a drawing or two, some cutting and pasting, and don't forget the coloring pages. I do my best to read through all of them each day, but I must admit experiencing Kindergarten paper overload from time to time, which causes me to skim through the pages or worse, add them to the ginormous stack of papers in my office waiting to be read. Today as I was cleaning out my office I made my way through the massive pile of Kindergarten papers. After the ladybug cutting and pasting project and beneath the "pan, fan, bat, hat" page on words with short a vowel sounds I found this:

If you can believe it, this little gem almost slipped by my fastidious review process. I've often wondered what Mira thinks of her little sister and this paper provides a glimpse. In case you can't read it, the directions state, "Draw something silly Mrs. McNosh might find at your house to hang up with the wash." Mrs. McNosh must be a character in a story that Mira's class read. For some reason, Mira decided that her little sister, Abby, should be out on the clothesline with the laundry. As you can see from the illustration, Abby is pretty distressed about being hung out to dry. Can you blame her?

1 comment:

  1. Poor Abby, That gave me a good laugh today, Thank you Mira!
