Saturday, May 9, 2009


Abby has a lot of needs. For instance:

"I weewee weewee (translation: really really) need a cookie."


"I weewee weewee need to go outside."


"I neeeeed to do it my own self." (This one applies to everything from pouring a cup of milk from the gallon jug to putting her shoes on to squeezing half the tube of toothpaste onto her toothbrush).

or my favorite

"I weewee weewee need to dump my orange juice on the floor."

Well, she doesn't actually say that last one but she does it quite often and with no regard for the floor or the sticky mess that will result.

And lately, instead of her former favorite word, "NO!", now she says "Sorry!" in a sweet singsong voice. Here's a sample:

Me: "It's time for a nap, Abby."

Abby: "Sorry Mommy. I don't need to take a nap."


Me: "Abby, don't play in the street."

Abby: "Sorry, but I need to play in the street."

Isn't she such a doll?


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