Monday, October 12, 2009

daily bulletin

As a mother who works from a home office, there are times when my corporate world and my parenting world collide. Sometimes those collisions are stressful, sometimes they are merely irritating, and sometimes they are just funny. File this one under "funny as heck."

Today is a holiday, so there's no school and I've given my nanny the day off. This morning I was trying to squeeze in some work while the girls played. I was on a work-related conference call when Mira had a very important message for me. She didn't want to interrupt my phone call, so she wrote the message on a notepad. Here it is:

The message, while maybe not immediately clear to you was immediately clear to me. I had to mute my phone so that my coworkers weren't distracted by hysterical laughter. Translation of this note: "My little sister has a dirty diaper. Please change her ASAP!" The drawing on the page was meant to provide a graphical illustration for the message.

I suppose I should also be glad that Mira has been learning her letter sounds and was able to sound out and spell this note all by herself.


  1. Fantastic, Bren! I need mira to pass me notes during work so I know what to do next.
